Who Said You Can’t

Queens on Thrones Dionne Character/ Female Empowerment Columnist Gisele Haralson, Director, Writer and Author, has awakened something in all of us with her masterful lineup of incredible African American Women in Science documentary, which presents [...]

Who Said You Can’t

Queens on Thrones

Dionne Character/ Female Empowerment Columnist

Gisele Haralson, Director, Writer and Author, has awakened something in all of us with her masterful lineup of incredible African American Women in Science documentary, which presents the stories of Dr. Alice Pendleton a NASA Space Research Scientist, Three of the First Black Nurses hired at the Baton Rouge General Hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, NASA Engineer Dr. K. Renee Horton, Viral Researcher and Doctoral Candidate at Tulane University, Antoinette Bell Kareem, Educator in Science, Katherine Michele Sanders, and Dr. Cordel Parris, the first African American Female Cardiologist in the State of Louisiana owning her own practice.

These women understood the struggle of being the only woman, as well as the only woman of color, in a predominantly male industry where often their opinions and suggestions were sometimes second guessed while working in oppressed conditions, some during the Civil Rights Movement and those who can see the need today.

This film opens the door to the importance of women in STEM. It gives us hope and strength to continue while understanding that sometimes our purpose is greater than who we are as women who can still rise in the midst of disadvantages.

Who Said You Can’t: African American Women In Science will change the course of our history for the next generation of women who dare to dream in science.
Dionne Character can be reached at Character Hollywood