A round table discussion facilitated by Jean Fairfax on the being Black in America.
Queen Mother Amina Baraka silences everyone with her commanding convictions to appeal to her fellow sisters in the Struggle for the Freedom & Nationhood of the people who are Called Blacks in America.
Also, The Shrine of the Black Madonna celebrates their version of National Women's Day! (At the 36:15 mark)
Presented by: The Black Journal
Follow SOBM9 on Social Media for more Epic Knowledge, Growth, and Healing!
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Suns of the Black Madonna (SOBM9) is a GROWING Young Adult/Teen Black Nationalist group under the influence of the Shrines of the Black Madonna which are located in Atlanta, GA; Houston, TX; & still in the founding location of Detroit, MI; with 2 satellite locations also in Monrovia, Liberia. Our Mission is to get as many YOUNG Black People as possible to understand that "The Most Sacred thing in the world is the Freedom of Black People" and it always will be. Asé.
#AminaBaraka #TheBlackWoman #TheBlackJournal
A round table discussion facilitated by Jean Fairfax on the being Black in America.
Queen Mother Amina Baraka silences everyone with her commanding convictions to appeal to her fellow sisters in the Struggle for the Freedom & Nationhood of the people who are Called Blacks in America.
Also, The Shrine of the Black Madonna celebrates their version of National Women's Day! (At the 36:15 mark)
Presented by: The Black Journal
Follow SOBM9 on Social Media for more Epic Knowledge, Growth, and Healing!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sobm9
Facebook Page:
Location Website:
Suns of the Black Madonna (SOBM9) is a GROWING Young Adult/Teen Black Nationalist group under the influence of the Shrines of the Black Madonna which are located in Atlanta, GA; Houston, TX; & still in the founding location of Detroit, MI; with 2 satellite locations also in Monrovia, Liberia. Our Mission is to get as many YOUNG Black People as possible to understand that "The Most Sacred thing in the world is the Freedom of Black People" and it always will be. Asé.
#AminaBaraka #TheBlackWoman #TheBlackJournal