Part Two Elections 2022: We Need Mass Participation, Huge Voter Turnout, and Qualified Candidates
The midterm elections are upon us and by now, you should have voted early or you should have made plans for Election Day Voting on November 8, 2022. The absentee ballots should be requested between 78 and 11 days prior to the election. So, as this article is being read, the time to request absentee ballots would have passed (October … Continue reading "Part Two Elections 2022: We Need Mass Participation, Huge Voter Turnout, and Qualified Candidates" The post Part Two Elections 2022: We Need Mass Participation, Huge Voter Turnout, and Qualified Candidates first appeared on The Savannah Tribune.
The midterm elections are upon us and by now, you should have voted early or you should have made plans for Election Day Voting on November 8, 2022. The absentee ballots should be requested between 78 and 11 days prior to the election. So, as this article is being read, the time to request absentee ballots would have passed (October 28, 2022) and the early voting deadline will be fast approaching (November 4, 2022.) So, if you did not request an absentee ballot or if you did not participate in early voting, then you should be making plans to vote on November 8, 2022. No excuses! No excuses! On November 8, 2022, there is nothing more important than going to the poll to Vote! Nothing should keep you from voting. Not the weather. Not the competing things in your life. Not the measures to suppress the vote. Not the voter intimidation. Nothing, absolutely nothing should prevent you from Voting on November 8, 2022. You need to show up and Vote in spite of these things.
We need to have a massive voter turnout to combat voter suppression and we need to vote for folk who have our best interest at heart. We need to elect folk who have an equity platform and who actually have a plan for a better quality of life for the people. We should not elect those who are just running to spread hate and division and those who seek to be in position to overturn elections if the outcomes are not in their favor. There no doubt that if the majority in the House and the Senate change, then Blacks, women, and other minorities will be targeted for a roll back on civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights, and the further erosion of civil liberties. Therefore, we need to elect folk who will protect voting rights, civil rights, women’s rights, and human rights. We need to vote for folk who will protect the elderly and who will make sure that healthcare is provided for the least among us. We need to vote for qualified candidates who will tell us the truth.
For years, we were told to vote on the issues and to vote for the most qualified candidate. Over the last several elections, that notion has fallen by the wayside. Recently, I had a conversation with a longtime friend about the state of our society and elections in general. He posed the question of qualifications. He and I reminisced about how during our professional careers we saw Black men and women being denied jobs because the white person in charge of the hiring process said the person was not “qualified.” In most cases, the Black person being denied the job was more than qualified. In some cases, the person ultimately hired was a white person who was less qualified. The issue of qualifications was the rule of the day to deny blacks, women, and other minorities opportunities for advancement.
The same issue surfaced when Blacks attempted to run for public office. They were told that they must be “qualified.” However, “qualified” meant whatever those in control wanted it to mean. The United States Senate race in Georgia is a classic contradiction on the concept of qualifications and values. Being a United States Senator should come with the expectations of being knowledgeable about the issues facing the citizens, understanding domestic and foreign issues impacting citizens, and some understanding of policies needed to impact positive changes both at home and abroad. Yet, we have a candidate for the United States Senate whose only qualifications are that he is a celebrated football player and his supporters say, “he is nice and friendly.” Yet, his supporters never have said that he is qualified for the office that he seeks. His opponent on the other hand has all the boxes checked so far as qualifications are concerned. He has proven that he is qualified and has shown that he can represent all Georgians. Over the last two years, the incumbent has fought just as hard for white citizens as he has for Black Citizens. Yet, the party that is supporting the football player is not concerned with “qualifications.” They are only concerned with power. The irony of this situation is that this is basically the same group who used “qualifications” to exclude Black folk from jobs and elected positions over the years. However, they are now willing to ignore “qualifications” to secure “the seat.” Some have even said that publicly. In fact, one of his supporters said on national TV that they are not concerned with the fact that he is not qualified. That supporter stated that “the only thing that matters is that the Republicans win the seat.”
Before this election, the former football player was not a major player in the “party” he now seeks to represent. However, “the powers that be” figured that as a Black football celebrity, he would be an ideal person to run against the Black incumbent. The former football player will soon realize that if he loses the senate race, he will become used goods and he will be sidelined just as he was in the NFL when his skills diminished and he was no longer of use to the “owners.” If by chance, he wins, he will soon realize that he will not be a factor in decision-making for the “party” because the “new owners” who are supporting him realize that he is not qualified to discuss complex issues or domestic or foreign policies.
So, the controlling forces of our society have gone from using “qualifications” to keep certain people out of jobs and elected positions to ignoring “qualifications” to try to put people who they can control in certain elected positions. Seemingly, the same group has relaxed “family values” in order to gain “the seat.” The football player is not a police officer. He did not graduate number “1” in his high school class. He did not graduate in the top 1% of his college class. In fact, he did not graduate from a college at all. He is not an FBI agent, and he is not the largest black owner of a business in Georgia. However, he has made public claims that he is all these things when the facts are otherwise. This is not consistent with family values. He says that he is pro-life. Yet, two women have come forth and alleged that he paid for them to have abortions. This is not consistent with family values.
I am not pointing fingers. Rather, I am sharing the truth such that the voters will be informed and make the right choices. First, let us be informed voters. Second, let us go to the polls and Vote. Third, let us not be influenced by the smoking mirrors. A duck is a duck no matter if you dress it up or not. Too much is riding on the midterm elections so do not fall for the smoking mirrors. The only way we can impact the outcome of the midterm elections is to make sure that we Vote for folk who have our best interest at heart. Every vote counts so do not think that not voting is an option. If you care about democracy, then you should Vote. If you care about healthcare, then you should Vote. If you care about childcare, then you should Vote. If you care about who represents you at the local, state, and federal levels, then you should Vote. If you care about civil rights, then you should Vote. If you care about women’s rights, then you should Vote. If you want your voice to be heard, then you should Vote. If you care about how your tax dollars are spent, then you should Vote. If you want equal protection under the law, then you should Vote. If you have elderly parents and relatives, then you should Vote. If you care about quality of life issues, then you should Vote. If you appreciate the sacrifices that our ancestors made in order for you to have the right to vote, then you should Vote. If you do not want to see January 6th repeat itself, then you should Vote. If you do not want election deniers running the government, then you should Vote. If you do not want to go back to the Jim Crow era, then you should Vote.
Voting is a right and a civic responsibility. Do not let anyone deny you the right to Vote. Do not give away your right to vote by not voting. You should make your plans early to get to the polls on voting day. Then on Voting Day, November 8, 2022, simply carry out your plans. Go Vote and also encourage your friends and family members to go to the polls and Vote. You can request a ride to the polls if you do not have transportation. However, if you need a ride to the polls, then you need to make the request early. When you arrive at the polls, make sure that you have the proper identification. Any state or federal government-issued ID will be accepted. Passports, military ID, and student ID cards issued by a Georgia public college, university, or technical school will be accepted. Be prepared for a wait. However, no matter how long it takes to Vote, it is worth the wait! So what are we doing on November 8, 2022? We are Voting and we are Voting!
The post Part Two Elections 2022: We Need Mass Participation, Huge Voter Turnout, and Qualified Candidates first appeared on The Savannah Tribune.