Legal Advertising Bids and Proposals 3-30-2022

PROFESSIONAL Economic development organization is requesting qualifications from: Engineering and Environmental Firms- Qualifications relative to the following should be discussed: Civil site design, erosion and sedimentation control, site grading plans, wetland delineation, geotechnical engineering, construction and demolition management, permitting, environmental site characterization and remediation, and closure of industrial sites through the PA. Land Recycling Program. … Continued The post Legal Advertising Bids and Proposals 3-30-2022 appeared first on New Pittsburgh Courier.

Legal Advertising Bids and Proposals 3-30-2022


Economic development organization is requesting qualifications from:

Engineering and Environmental Firms- Qualifications relative to the following should be discussed: Civil site design, erosion and sedimentation control, site grading plans, wetland delineation, geotechnical engineering, construction and demolition management, permitting, environmental site characterization and remediation, and closure of industrial sites through the PA. Land Recycling Program. Qualifications should include personnel available for this assignment, working in a team environment, meeting goals for minority and women owned businesses, and method and hourly rates of compensation.

Economic Development/Grant Management Firms- Qualifications relative to the following should be discussed: redevelopment planning, managing Federal grants for economic development, packaging other economic incentive programs, working in a team environment, personnel available for this assignment, assistance in securing women and minority participation, and the method and hourly rates of compensation.

Both RFQ’s are due April 15, 2022 and should be mailed to: North Side Industrial Development Company, 700 River Avenue, Pgh, PA. 15212.






Sealed bids will be received in the Bellefield Avenue Lobby, Administration Building, 341 South Bellefield Avenue until 11:00 A.M. prevailing time April 12, 2022 and will be opened at the same hour for the purchase of the following equipment and supplies:



General Information regarding bids may be obtained at the Purchasing Office, 341 South Bellefield Avenue, RM 349 Pittsburgh, PA 15213. The bid documents are available on the School District’s Purchasing web site at:

Click on Our Community; Bid Opportunities; Purchasing – under Quick Links.

The Board of Public Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or select a single item from any bid.

We are an equal rights and

opportunity school district






In accordance with Title 25, Chapter 71 of the Pennsylvania Code, Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) is accepting written comments on the ALCOSAN Act 537 Special Study. This Special Study provides an update to the 1996 Act 537 Plan that was adopted by the City of Pittsburgh and approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

The purpose of the Special Study is to amend the 1996 Act 537 Plan to reflect ALCOSAN’s current strategy for the regional conveyance facilities and wet weather pump station.

The entire Act 537 Special Study can be reviewed at the following locations: Aspinwall Borough Building, City of Pittsburgh- Department of City Planning, Etna Borough Building, McKees Rocks Borough Building, Millvale Borough Building, O’Hara Township Building, Shaler Township Building, Shaler North Hills Library, Sharpsburg Borough Building, West Homestead Borough Building, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Allegheny Branch, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Hazelwood Branch, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Lawrenceville Branch, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – South Side Branch or on the ALCOSAN web­site at

All comments must be in writing and submitted within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice to:


3300 Preble Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15233

Written comments received during the review process will be included in the final submission to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.









Sealed proposals shall be deposited at the Administration Building, Bellefield Entrance Lobby, 341 South Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., 15213, on April 12, 2022, until 2:00 P.M., local prevailing time for:

Pgh. Carrick and Westinghouse

CTE Air Conditioning

Mechanical (HVAC) and

Electrical Primes

Project Manual and Drawings will be available for purchase on March 23, 2022, at Modern Reproductions (412-488-7700), 127 McKean Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., 15219 between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The cost of the Project Manual Documents is non-refundable. Project details and dates are described in each project manual.








Request for Proposal for a


This Request for Proposal may be obtained from the District’s web page at:

One (1) original and five (5) copies of the proposal, including any attachments and cover letter, must be prepared and submitted as

described in the RFP by 5:00PM EST on Monday, April 18, 2022.

The District reserves the right to reject any or all RFPs.

Paula B. Castleberry


Business Department






The Allegheny County Department of Human Services recently issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Language Assistance Services. Due Date: 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 27. For more details and submission information, visit:

Erin Dalton








Proposals are hereby solicited for the Community College of Allegheny County, 800 Allegheny Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15233 on the following:

RFP 3131 –


Due date: 2:00 P.M. Prevailing Time on Thursday, April 14, 2022

Any proposals received after this deadline will be considered as a “late bid” and will be returned unopened to the offerer. Proposals may require Bid Bonds, Performance Bonds, Payment Bonds, and Surety as dictated by the specifications. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.The Community College of Allegheny County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and encourages bids from Minority/Disadvantaged owned businesses.

For more information, contact Michael Cvetic at




The City of Pittsburgh’s Office of Management and Budget-Community Development (OMB-CD) announces the launch of FY2022’s Public Service Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grant program. Applications are online and are available from the following website: The application period will be open for six weeks and will run from March 28, 2022 – May 06, 2022. OMB-CD will host two virtual Q&A sessions for the Public Service grant opportunity:

Friday, April 22, 2022

12:00PM – 1:00PM

Thursday, April 28, 2022

5:00PM – 6:00PM

The Q&A sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams and registration is required. To register for the sessions and access a prerecorded information video about this grant opportunity, go to:

Please note that the deadline for applications is Friday, May 06, 2022. For more information, please contact





MARCH 30, 2022

Letters-of-Interest (LOI) with current Form SF330, for construction management services, will be received through the platform Submittable at The Letter of Interest (LOI) must be uploaded to Submittable by 12:00 PM (Noon) on May 20, 2022 (late submissions will not be accepted), for the following:

  1. General Construction Management Services:

The ACAA will typically utilize a Construction Manager (CM) on each of the projects listed below at Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) and Allegheny County Airport (AGC) which involves construction. Specific responsibilities will include but are not limited to: Field inspection to ensure compliance with bid documents, perform constructability and technical reviews of

design documents, maintaining a CPM Schedule to coordinate multiple prime contractors, recommend contractor progress payments, monitoring and reporting of contractor DBE participation, develop/prepare construction safety phasing plans to minimize operational outages, negotiate and recommend minimal change orders for contractor scope changes or value engineering, complete market availability and labor analysis, construction cost estimating and reconciliation, provide final as-built drawings, and maintain all records as required by the FAA, PennDOT, PADEP, Findlay and Moon Townships, the ACAA or other entities as required.

  1. Asphalt and Concrete Repair and Replacement

Work will include miscellaneous repairs and replacement of cracked and

deteriorated pavement on roads, shoulders, sidewalks, curbs, parking lots,

runways, taxiways, aprons, and ramps.

  1. Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation, Signage, and Electrical

Work may consist of partial or full keel section replacement, isolated concrete

slab work, joint and crack repair, trench drain repair, asphalt shoulder work,

lighting upgrades, signage improvements, and pavement marking.

Typical projects may include:

  1. Airfield signage and sign bases
  2. Airside apron and trench drains
  3. Runways, aprons, and taxiways
  4. Joint sealant and spall repair
  5. Airfield lighting upgrades/replacements
  6. Infrastructure Development, Repair and Replacement

Work may consist of permitting, surveying, geotechnical investigations, site grading, drainage, roadways, aprons, taxiways, sanitary and storm sewers, potable and fire protection water, electrical, HVAC, telephone, and gas lines.

  1. Building Rehabilitation, Replacement and Upgrades

Work may consist of miscellaneous mechanical, electrical or structural repairs, roof replacement, brick work, caulking, sealing, painting, baggage system upgrades and security upgrades on the Landside and Airside Buildings, and other miscellaneous buildings as required.

  1. Construction Management On-Call Services:

The ACAA has a need for separate contracts to provide Construction Management services on an on-call, as-needed basis for assessments, capital cost estimates, emergency evaluations and repairs, and other special needs that may arise. Consultant must be qualified and be prepared to respond on very short notice to various issues which may arise at any time of day, seven days a week. Experienced and qualified staff members must be on-call and available on a 24/7 basis. Areas of expertise must also include fa­miliarity with FAA Advisory Circulars; and PennDOT and PADEP permitting requirements.

Submittal Procedure and Requirements

If interested in providing any of the aforementioned services, consultants are required to submit a Letter-of-Interest (LOI) and current Form SF330, identifying the specific service area(s) of interest with emphasis on main area of competence. The ACAA encourages responses from small firms, minority and women’s business firms, and firms that have not previously worked for the ACAA. The ACAA will use Form SF330 to evaluate and prequalify firms to be part of a highly qualified short-list, which will then be requested to submit comprehensive proposals. Comprehensive proposals will include the following at a minimum: Project understanding, project experience, project team identification, organization chart and resumes; approach to major tasks such as scope and schedule management, techniques for cost control, approach to construction cost estimating, scope creep and change order management, and identification of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Firms with description and quantity of work they will perform to meet FAA and ACAA DBE requirements, which is currently 14%. Note: Do not include company brochures and limit the LOI to no more than four typewritten pages (8.5” x 11”, 11 pt. font) in addition to Standard Form 330. A link to obtain SF330 can be found by going to the following website: Standard Form (SF330)

Submissions for general, on-call, or both general and on-call construction management services will be received in PDF format as one complete file only through the platform Submittable at Do NOT mail, email, or deliver hard copies as they will be considered rejected and will be returned to the respondent unopened. Please note that Submittable does not support Internet Explorer 11. Submittable recommends the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome,

Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari.

Submissions should be made to:

Mr. Jeff Bezek, P.E.

Director, Engineering

Allegheny County Airport Authority

Pittsburgh International Airport

Landside Terminal, 4th Floor Mezz.

PO Box 12370

Pittsburgh, PA 15231-0370

Questions should be directed to Mr. Jeff Bezek, P.E. at 412-472-3852 or email to

Final consultant selections (following short-listing, proposal evaluation, and interviews) will be based on, but not limited to, the following criteria: Staff qualifications, experience and local office bench strength; demonstrated interest in the projects; organization, clarity, cohesiveness, quality and completeness of both the written proposal and oral presentation; sensitivity to ACAA requirements and project constraints; indicated ability to manage projects, produce required results, meeting project schedule and controlling costs; demonstrated knowledge of FAA, PennDOT, local, and ACAA applicable standards and requirements; capital cost estimating expertise, constructability reviews, value engineering, construction procedures and scheduling methods; monitoring DBE goals, impacts to airport operations and other areas of construction management.







Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania






Electronic Bids will be received by the Allegheny County Airport Authority until 1:00 P.M. prevailing local time, APRIL 27, 2022.

Due to the COVID precautions, the ACAA is modifying its typical bid opening process; the formal bid opening procedure will be conducted virtually – any/all firms submitting a Bid to the ACAA will be given special access to view the opening event. Once bidding is closed, any/all firms submitting a bid will be issued an Invitation (via email) to access the formal bid opening event via a live webcast. Bidders will also be notified of the results via an email within (24) hours of the Bid Opening event.


ALL BIDDERS shall be required to provide a completed formal Bid Document Request application in order to acquire bidding documents for any/all of the above listed Project Numbers. No bidding documents will be issued prior to the Authority’s Construction Manager having a copy of a fully completed Request Application. Bid Document Request Applications can be obtained by sending a Request to the following email address:

On the Subject Line, include the following: “Bid Documents Request – PCA System Up­grades Phase 3”.

Once a bidder’s request has been received, provided it is complete, the CM will provide access for the bidder to access and download the bid documents through Building Connected, a web-based bid management platform.

A PREBID CONFERENCE –April 7, 2022 – 1:00 PM

The meeting will be a Microsoft Teams Meeting. To join the meeting the following num­ber can be called (877) 286-5733 – United States (Toll-Free) – Conference ID 747 197 525#. Please email to receive the link to join by computer.

A site visit will be conducted. Details regarding the site visit will be provided at the Pre-Bid meeting. Note that no questions can be asked during this Prebid Meeting. Any/all questions must be issued to the CM as an “RFI”.


Any/all questions related to this project must be made in writing to the CM. RFIs are to be sent to the CM via email to


Proposals must be made on the Authority’s forms and in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and the “Instructions to Bidders”’. Due to Covid precautions, ACAA will not be accepting any hard copy bids for this Project. Accordingly, Electronic Bids are the only form that the ACAA will accept. While the Instruc­tions to Bidders will provide more details, for an Electronic Bid to be accepted in must be sent through Building Connected and it must be received by no later than the established Bid Date and time deadline.


Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as determined by the General Wage Determinations issued under the Davis-Bacon and related Acts must be paid on these projects.

This project has DBE participation goals; DBE firms must be certified with the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program) (PAUCP). Firms must be certified prior to award of contract. A searchable database of DBE firms can be found on the PAUCP web site:

The Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informalities in the bidding. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of one hundred twenty [120] days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids.

To view a complete advertisement, which is also included in the bidding documents visit under “Business Opportunities”.





Electronic Proposals will be received online at the Port Authority of Allegheny County’s Ebusiness website (

Proposals/bid submittals will be due 11:00 AM on April 8, 2022 and will be read at 11:15 AM., the same day, at Port Authority’s Heinz location (345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2527) as well as through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conferencing, for the following:

Electronic Proposal – Ebusiness website (

                            Bid Number                         Bid Name
                1 B220325A  HVAC On-Call Services


 To join by Microsoft Team video conference:

To join by Microsoft Teams call-in number:

412-927-0245 United State, Pittsburgh (Toll)

Conference ID: 621 202 466#

No bidder may withdraw a submitted Proposal for a period of 75 days after the scheduled time for opening of the sealed bids.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held via tele-conference on each of the above items at 10:00 am March 22, 2022, as well as through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conference.

To join by Microsoft Team video conference:


To join by Microsoft Teams call-in number:

  • 412-927-0245 United State, Pittsburgh (Toll)
  • Conference ID: 298 931 576#

Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. Questions regarding any of the above bids will not be entertained by the Port Authority within five (5) business days of the scheduled bid opening.

These contracts may be subject to a financial assistance contract between Port Authority of Allegheny County and the United States Department of Transportation. The Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations.

Contractor is responsible for expenses related to acquiring a performance bond and insurance where applicable. All items are to be FOB delivered unless otherwise specified. Costs for delivery, bond, and insurance shall be included in bidder’s proposal pricing.

Port Authority of Allegheny County hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprise will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

The Board of Port Authority reserves

the right to reject any or all bids.




Electronic Proposals will be received online at the Port Authority of Allegheny County’s Ebusiness website (

Proposals/bid submittals will be due 11:00 AM on April 7, 2022 and will be read at 11:15 AM., the same day, at Port Authority’s Heinz location (345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2527) as well as through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conferencing, for the following:

Electronic Proposal – Ebusiness website (

                           Bid Number                 Bid Name
1 B220102AR Coach Radiator Assemblies
2 B220323A CRP – Air Conditioning
3 B220324A CRP – Suspension


To join by Microsoft Team video conference:

To join by Microsoft Teams call-in number:

412-927-0245 United State, Pittsburgh (Toll)

Conference ID: 482 503 092#

No bidder may withdraw a submitted Proposal for a period of 75 days after the scheduled time for opening of the sealed bids.

A Pre-Bid Conference will be held via tele-conference on each of the above items at 10:00 am March 22, 2022, as well as through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conference.

To join by Microsoft Team video conference:


To join by Microsoft Teams call-in number:

  • 412-927-0245 United State, Pittsburgh (Toll)
  • Conference ID: 298 931 576#

Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. Questions regarding any of the above bids will not be entertained by the Port

Authority within five (5) business days of the scheduled bid opening.

These contracts may be subject to a financial assistance contract between Port Authority of Allegheny County and the United States Department of

Transportation. The Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations.

Contractor is responsible for expenses related to acquiring a performance bond and insurance where applicable. All items are to be FOB delivered unless otherwise specified. Costs for delivery, bond, and insurance shall be included in bidder’s proposal pricing.

Port Authority of Allegheny County hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprise will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

The Board of Port Authority reserves

the right to reject any or all bids





TO PLACE AN AD Call or Email: 

412-481-8302 Ext. 140
Deadline/Closing/Cancellation Schedule
for copy, corrections, and cancellations: Friday
noon preceding Wednesday publication

The post Legal Advertising Bids and Proposals 3-30-2022 appeared first on New Pittsburgh Courier.