Is Westchester County Menthol Ban the New Stop and Frisk? [Press Conf]

Law Enforcement and community leaders come together to address their concerns about the proposed Westchester County Menthol Ban in front of the Westchester County Office Building, located at 148 Martine Ave White Plains, Thursday ahead of the public hearing on Monday, November 14, 2022. They expressed their belief that this county law will affect Black communities more than White communities. It is estimated that 74% to 95% of Black Americans smoke menthol cigarettes and only 22% to 36% of White American smoke menthol cigarettes. If passed, the legislation that will have a severe racial disparate impact on Black people while White people in Westchester can smoke freely with impunity is contradictory to your government’s message of equity and diversity. Speakers included Damon K. Jones of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America (BLEA), Reverend Dr. Carl L. Washington, Jr., Mount Vernon resident and Pastor of the New Mount Zion Baptist Church in Harlem, Gwenn Carr Activist- Mother of Eric Garner, Sylvia T. Miranda of The National Latino Officers Assoc. (NLOA), Andre Wallace Former Mayor of Mount Vernon, George Brown Vice Chair of the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee and Jesse Van Lew co-founder of Save Mount Vernon. Nadar Sayegh NYS Assembly Dist. 90 and James Nolan Westchester County Legislator District 15 were scheduled [...]

Is Westchester County Menthol Ban the New Stop and Frisk? [Press Conf]
Law Enforcement and community leaders come together to address their concerns about the proposed Westchester County Menthol Ban in front of the Westchester County Office Building, located at 148 Martine Ave White Plains, Thursday ahead of the public hearing on Monday, November 14, 2022. They expressed their belief that this county law will affect Black communities more than White communities. It is estimated that 74% to 95% of Black Americans smoke menthol cigarettes and only 22% to 36% of White American smoke menthol cigarettes. If passed, the legislation that will have a severe racial disparate impact on Black people while White people in Westchester can smoke freely with impunity is contradictory to your government’s message of equity and diversity. Speakers included Damon K. Jones of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America (BLEA), Reverend Dr. Carl L. Washington, Jr., Mount Vernon resident and Pastor of the New Mount Zion Baptist Church in Harlem, Gwenn Carr Activist- Mother of Eric Garner, Sylvia T. Miranda of The National Latino Officers Assoc. (NLOA), Andre Wallace Former Mayor of Mount Vernon, George Brown Vice Chair of the Mount Vernon Democratic City Committee and Jesse Van Lew co-founder of Save Mount Vernon. Nadar Sayegh NYS Assembly Dist. 90 and James Nolan Westchester County Legislator District 15 were scheduled [...]