I.C. Norcom High’s Grand Reunion Celebrates 145 Years of Education

"Celebrating 145 years of academic excellence at I.C. Norcom High." Hashtags: #ICNorcomReunion, #EducationHistory The post I.C. Norcom High’s Grand Reunion Celebrates 145 Years of Education first appeared on The New Journal and Guide. Continue reading I.C. Norcom High’s Grand Reunion Celebrates 145 Years of Education at The New Journal and Guide.

I.C. Norcom High’s Grand Reunion Celebrates 145 Years of Education

"Celebrating 145 years of academic excellence at I.C. Norcom High."

Hashtags: #ICNorcomReunion, #EducationHistory

The post I.C. Norcom High’s Grand Reunion Celebrates 145 Years of Education first appeared on The New Journal and Guide.

Continue reading I.C. Norcom High’s Grand Reunion Celebrates 145 Years of Education at The New Journal and Guide.