Hungry Club “Phoenix Rising and a Family Reunion: Where Do We Go From Here”
On Saturday, April 1, 2023, The Hungry Club Forum of Savannah, Inc. (HCFS) will return to in-person offerings with its first monthly breakfast forum in 3 years. “Phoenix Rising and a Family Reunion: Where do we go from here: Visions, Ideas and Needs.” The title is given to this first in-person launch, because it speaks to the positive prospects for … Continue reading "Hungry Club “Phoenix Rising and a Family Reunion: Where Do We Go From Here”" The post Hungry Club “Phoenix Rising and a Family Reunion: Where Do We Go From Here” first appeared on The Savannah Tribune.

On Saturday, April 1, 2023, The Hungry Club Forum of Savannah, Inc. (HCFS) will return to in-person offerings with its first monthly breakfast forum in 3 years. “Phoenix Rising and a Family Reunion: Where do we go from here: Visions, Ideas and Needs.” The title is given to this first in-person launch, because it speaks to the positive prospects for our total community. According to Diana Harvey Johnson, lead consultant to the HCFS, the Phoenix in times of doubt and confusion, symbolizes strength, transformation and renewal. For only from the ashes of who we were, can we rise up to become who we are to be.
The HCFS’s signature roundtable and open fo- rum will feature the Honorable Carl Gilyard, Savannah State Representative, and chairman of the Georgia legislative Black Caucus will serve as keynote presenter. A dynamic panel of presenters will offer their views on where we are and should be going for greater unity and prosperity. Roy L. Jackson, entrepreneur extraordinaire, Shirley Barber James, Voter Education Advocate and publisher of The Savannah Tribune, Coco Guthrie Papy, Public Policy expert and restorative justice practitioner, and Joe Grate, entrepreneur extraordinaire.
Long time supporter of the HCFS, Dr. Margaret B. Betz (SCAD ret.) is the April HCFS co-sponsor. Bishop Dr. Willie Ferrell will bring the Invocation and Grace, and Bobby L. “Sarge” Adams, President, will preside. Come, lend your voice to this very important community discussion. For more information, please call 912. 927.8425.
The post Hungry Club “Phoenix Rising and a Family Reunion: Where Do We Go From Here” first appeared on The Savannah Tribune.