Dressing for the Job You Want

By Natalie Rodgers The saying “dress for the job you want” is still crucial advice when it comes to an interview. Even if you have the desired attributes and skillsets to your employer, wearing a sloppy or inappropriate outfit can greatly decrease your chances of being hired and being taken seriously. Picking the right outfit, … Continue reading Dressing for the Job You Want → The post Dressing for the Job You Want appeared first on Black EOE Journal.

Dressing for the Job You Want

By Natalie Rodgers The saying “dress for the job you want” is still crucial advice when it comes to an interview. Even if you have the desired attributes and skillsets to your employer, wearing a sloppy or inappropriate outfit can greatly decrease your chances of being hired and being taken seriously. Picking the right outfit, … Continue reading Dressing for the Job You Want

The post Dressing for the Job You Want appeared first on Black EOE Journal.