Denying Essential Healthcare: Missouri’s Republican Controlled Legislature Blocks Medicaid Funds for Planned Parenthood 

The decision by Missouri lawmakers to block Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood has dealt a devastating blow to supporters of abortions. The post Denying Essential Healthcare: Missouri’s Republican Controlled Legislature Blocks Medicaid Funds for Planned Parenthood  appeared first on Kansas City Defender.

Denying Essential Healthcare: Missouri’s Republican Controlled Legislature Blocks Medicaid Funds for Planned Parenthood 
About 200 abortion rights demonstrators gathered outside the Old Courthouse in St. Louis, for a rally on Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021. Speakers warned that Missouri will likely pursue a restrictive abortion law similar to Texas. (Jim Salter/AP)

Missouri lawmakers passed a bill on Wednesday that prevents any state funds from being allocated to any abortion providers–even those with basic healthcare services–and the bill currently awaits at the desk of Republican Gov. Mike Parson to be signed. 

This means the legislation forbids the distribution of public funds, such as Medicaid payments, to abortion clinics or any affiliated organizations, such as Planned Parenthood. This has raised concerns that will negatively impact individuals who rely on the organization for various healthcare services.

Other states – such as Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas–have also blocked Medicaid funding for the organization.

Planned Parenthood in St. Louis. Lawmakers in Missouri defund Medicaid funds for Planned Parenthood. (Jeff Roberson/AP)

What does this bill mean for Missourians? 

With a vote of 106-48, the House passed the bill that seeks to stop Missouri’s Medicaid program from reimbursing Planned Parenthood for health services such as pap smears, cancer screenings and testing, birth control, and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) for low-income patients. Abortions are not included in Medicaid coverage, and abortions are illegal in Missouri.

Critics argue that Planned Parenthood should not receive public funding because they oppose funding going to other clinics that provide abortion services in other states.

AP News reported that House Democratic Minority Leader Crystal Quade characterized the bill as “an act of petty vengeance by Republicans against one of largest providers of women’s health care in Missouri.”  

Why do Missouri’s Republican legislation feel this is necessary? 

According to AP News, Sen. Bill Eigel, Republican primary for governor, said that “Not only do we believe that life is precious, but the institution of abortion hurts women.” 

This statement becomes insignificant when a woman faces medical complications and needs an abortion. Even in cases of pregnancy complications, abortions are being refused. It’s hurting women worse when the complications are affecting their personal health. 

Instances like Kate Cox, a Texan woman, who was denied emergency abortion care by the Texas Supreme Court despite her strong desire to have a baby with her husband, could occur in Missouri. 

In situations where women have experienced pregnancy complications where the baby was not expected to survive and posed a risk to the mother’s health, lawmakers and anti-abortion groups show little concern for the woman’s well-being and prioritize the life of the child.

Blocking funds for other services outside of abortions

Blocking critical healthcare services like pap smears, cancer screenings, birth control, and treatment for STIs is unjustified, especially since these services are not related to abortions. These Republican lawmakers are defunding services that women rely on every day.

Multiple Democrats spoke out and are not fond of blocking Medicaid funds and have expressed strong opposition to these decisions, arguing that the measure would limit the ability of low-income patients to access health care. They have also accused the GOP of using this issue to gain support from voters.

In a press release from May 2023, Planned Parenthood revealed that in Missouri, the maternal mortality rate for Black women is three times higher than that of white women, along with a harmful abortion ban. It is no accident that those facing the greatest barriers to abortion access in a post-Roe world are also the most affected by this “defund” assault. 11 months later, the funds have been blocked by Missouri lawmakers. 

In Tuesday’s statement, Planned Parenthood said they will do everything they can to continue to service patients. 

Gov. Mike Parson’s spokesperson did not respond to an Associated Press request for comment on the latest Planned Parenthood defunding bill. However, it is anticipated that he will support it. 

The post Denying Essential Healthcare: Missouri’s Republican Controlled Legislature Blocks Medicaid Funds for Planned Parenthood  appeared first on Kansas City Defender.