African America’s May 2023 Jobs Report – 5.6%

OVERALL UNEMPLOYMENT: 3.7% AFRICAN AMERICAN: 5.6% LATINO AMERICAN: 4.0% EUROPEAN AMERICAN: 3.3% ASIAN AMERICAN: 2.9% Analysis: Latino Americans were the only group to see a decrease in their unemployment rate from April with a 40 basis point drop. African American led all others with … Continue reading →

African America’s May 2023 Jobs Report – 5.6%
OVERALL UNEMPLOYMENT: 3.7% AFRICAN AMERICAN: 5.6% LATINO AMERICAN: 4.0% EUROPEAN AMERICAN: 3.3% ASIAN AMERICAN: 2.9% Analysis: Latino Americans were the only group to see a decrease in their unemployment rate from April with a 40 basis point drop. African American led all others with … Continue reading