There is discrimination against black servicemen both on and off US military bases overseas, this month's Black Journal program concludes. Filmed on location in Vietnam, black servicemen are interviewed in mess halls, USO clubs, on a riverboat in Upper Saigon, and aboard a helicopter. Also interviewed are several high Pentagon officials. One black serviceman testifies, We had soul music (on the base) a couple of nights and they said they didn't dig it - so they put me on restriction for disobeying orders and refusing to stop dancing. It's the same off base.
You go up in Saigon; down those streets you ain't welcome at all and they let you know it. Let a white man walk there, he's welcome - but just like the world - Georgia, Alabama, even New York, you get some places where you can't go. They bring you over here - you know it's gonna be hard when you get back. There is even discrimination in front-line combat units.
There is discrimination against black servicemen both on and off US military bases overseas, this month's Black Journal program concludes. Filmed on location in Vietnam, black servicemen are interviewed in mess halls, USO clubs, on a riverboat in Upper Saigon, and aboard a helicopter. Also interviewed are several high Pentagon officials. One black serviceman testifies, We had soul music (on the base) a couple of nights and they said they didn't dig it - so they put me on restriction for disobeying orders and refusing to stop dancing. It's the same off base.
You go up in Saigon; down those streets you ain't welcome at all and they let you know it. Let a white man walk there, he's welcome - but just like the world - Georgia, Alabama, even New York, you get some places where you can't go. They bring you over here - you know it's gonna be hard when you get back. There is even discrimination in front-line combat units.